Monday, August 07, 2006

"I see some light at the end of the tunnel!". This is like those horror films, where the main character (I will be playing that role for today) is being chased by a horrible monster (“boredom” is that guy). Suddenly a door opens and the main character can see some light (in my case, DMR boss telling us about some Visio project he is working on). But don’t be too innocent. There is always that monster cousin who is going to eat you just after walking through the door.

Fortunately no monster has eaten me, but I am still idle (didn't get any work for today). Do you know what’s been idle for 8 hours a day? Well, if you consider “working” spending hours sending emails, updating this blog, drinking coffee and enjoying lunch, I am working :D. Have a good afternoon!

These are the only monsters I like!

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