Monday, November 06, 2006

Foot injury


How are you doing? i hope you are all OK. I am more of KO than OK. Last Saturday, while rainning outside, I had some problems, and I made a fracture on my 2nd metatarsus, one of the bones on my left foot (do you really want to know how it happened? I am not brave enough to say it here, so i can send you an email explaining it haha). As a result of that I have to wear a cast on my leg (not only my foot) for 6 weeks.

But that is not the worst. I can't go to work for a while (is it that bad? haha), I can't go on my trip to Germany, which was planned for Wednesday, and I can't stand on my left foot so I have to use crutches...

I will keep you updated about it. Besos y abrazos


AndRES said...

Pero que perdida hemos tenido en el bando de los buenos y trabajadores! El pobre Xavi a metido la pata y con ella su dedo maltrecho.. jeje.. No te preocupes amigo, aqui te espera un monton de trabajo que dejaremos a la espera hasta que tu vuelvas! Recuperate pronto que o si no vas a tener mucho mas trabajo jaja.. Si quieres te lo mando por email jeje..
Siento lo del viaje a Alemania.. :-(
See you..

Unknown said...

Pues nada... que uno no debe "enajenarse"


digerati said...

Dude no good. How long till you're fixed?

I moved my site to its own server... or for the more politically correct.