Monday, November 13, 2006

Aunque esté en casa...

Some people may think that because I stay the whole day at home, I do nothing. But that is not true! Hahaha, I know I would be more productive at the office, but I do a lot of things everyday. So far I have been watching movies (that is not losing my time!), I have been learning Flash, working in a website project and giving private lessons.
I am thinking about opening an academy for private lessons! Haha, right now I am giving classes to 5 people. 2 about Physics, 2 about Maths, and 1 about English. I am making some extra money :P


Bambú said...

No te preocupes...sea como sea no eres productivo igualmente...jaja..besitos jocosos*

AndRES said...

Espera.. Has dicho que eres mas productivo que en la oficina?
No se diga mas! para cuando te dejes de pelear con la naturaleza tendrás tanto trabajo que querrás volver a pelearte con la naturaleza! Haragán!
Por cierto.. ya tengo instalado el apache, php y mysql.. Ahora solo queda que funcione todo para cuando vuelvas puedas seguir con el blog.. Pequeño haragán!