Thursday, September 14, 2006

Choroní y Canaima (Venezuela)

Yesterday my parents came back from Venezuela. I am so happy they had great trip. They couldn’t stop telling us (my sister, Miguel Angel and I) how many different things they did. First of all they said that my brother is HAPPY. It is difficult knowing how somebody is doing when that person is thousands of miles away from home. But they said that my brother and Mariela have a wonderful life. And as my grandma says, “your brother is such a milhomes in Caracas (the translation means thousand men, in the sense that he is so happy and important)”. They made two trips inside Venezuela. The first one took them to Choroní, a village next to the Caribbean Sea, where the beaches are amazing, and the palm/coconut trees grow next to the sea.

The second trip took them to Canaima. Canaima is a National Park founded in 1962 with an extension of 3,000,000 hectares. The main attraction is the Salto del Angel (Angel Fall), which has a total drop of 3,212 feet (979 meters). They had to take a plane, hike, take 2 boats and get in another canoe to see this splendid natural wonder. And in the way back their canoe broke down haha (I think they experienced some tension moments :P).

We have to go there. Do you want to join me!?

1 comment:

Simon said...


I am from Venezuela and i love Choroni. I haven't gone to Canaima for example (shame on me hehe) but there are other places that your parents and yourself need to know next time you come:
Los Roques: archipielago in the caribeam sea, simply amazing. There are some interesting findings from pre-colombus tribes that were found there.
Araya: it is a peninsula at the east of Venezuela (in sucre state) where you have natural salt lagoons, a castle in ruins and a beautiful view of the sea.
There are other places you should meet like "los medanos de coro" that is a desert to the west... Hope you get the chance to meet those places