Sunday, January 22, 2006

El conejo es de Duracell

Que tal todos?
Por aqui todo bien. Estoy en casa, son las 3.12 de la tarde y aun no me he duchado. os prometo que lo hare una vez que acabe de escribir esto! Esta manyana he ido con Jack a misa a la Catedral Catolica de Washington. Se llama Catedral de San Mateo, y es donde hicieron los funerales de gente como Kennedy. Ha estado muy bien, y la iglesia es preciosa. Despues hemos parado en Marvin Center para comer algo (la misa ha durado de 11.30 a 13.00) y me he vuelto a Mt. Vernon. Esta tarde de momento no tengo planes, pero me parece que quedare para ir al gimnasio, y manyana a seguir con el finde, que solo tengo clase martes, miercoles y jueves!

by the way, anna and marijana, i think i was right. well, after some investigation, you and I were right. isnt it nice when everyone is right? according to Rossyfox from this forum:

The Energizer Bunny is just a poser, considering the Duracell bunny has been around for 30 years and the Energizer one has only been around since the 80s.
They don't have the Energizer bunny here in the UK. It surprises me when I see a message board discussion about these subjects. Everyone always gets it wrong. It usually starts of, "NO, you're mistaken, it's THE Energizer bunny" "No, it's THE Duracell Bunny", with a few bits of randomness later on "If I remember correctly, the Duracell version was orange"

According to Rossyfox again, in the same forum:

You're thinking of the Energizer bunny. Duracell does not advertise with a bunny in America. Energizer does, (but not with the SAME bunny, there are differences, e.g. the Energizer bunny looks like a poser).

The question of who copied who... if anyone copied anyone, Energizer copied Duracell. The Duracell bunny is celebrating its 30th anniversary (source: French version of the Duracell website) but the Energizer bunny only made its debut in the 80s (source: Energizer website).
However, it's the ENERGIZER bunny that has won awards for adveritising (source: Energizer website) which is really... wrong. Just wrong.

The very last link: Energizer vs. Duracell bunny


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sempre Duracell