Sunday, February 26, 2006

Todo vuelve a ser igual

Hola, que tal todos?
Escribo para decir que voy a volver a escribir cada dia. Han sido dos semanas intensas, pero ya empiezo a ver la luz. me he despertado con la noticia de que madrid ha sido invadida por los vientos septentrionales, y que la mitad de espanya esta cubierta por nieve. parece que me estoy ahorrando un invierno de mucho frio por madrid no? aqui los unicos dias que hizo muchisimo frio fue cuando vinieron fer y andres... ya es mala pata. ahora un trozo en ingles
i am posting a picture of madrid, so that you have an idea of all the snow we are having this year. i thought it would be worst in DC, but this winter so far, i think DC is the right (and warm) place to stay. and for the ones in Facebook, i put pictures of me there. yeah, facebook is stealing some of me time... is it really necessary? idk, but i like putting me pictures there, even though andrew may get mad at me, because there are no pictures of him as a model. well, manuel, i gtg. have a nice end of weekend (end of weekend=weekendend?) and hi to all the people that read me in Spanish even if they dont know the language.

Madrid nevado


ps. there are photos scrolling down

pd. hay fotos mas abajo

ps2/pd2. why is it ps in English and pd in Spanish?

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