Thursday, June 16, 2011

Ignorance, by Milan Kundera

Molly, my housemate, recommended my reading a book by Milan Kundera. She had never read Ignorance, but she is a great fan of the Czech-French writer, so I gave it a try.

The title is a pretty strong starting point. The novel focuses in the lives of two Czech immigrants who return to Prague after the end of the communist regime. They both feel unattached to what was once their home and realize that the reality they had for their country is no longer true. The novel reworks the Odyssey, as a trip back home where no one is really expecting Odysseus and he isn't receive as he thought he would. Ignorance to what has been forgotten and ignorance to what wants to be forgotten.

I didn't like the lack of action in the book. It may be more about the feelings, but there is a void in the book I can't understand. I couldn't see complex characters and in general the book was irrelevant to me. I've heard great things about Kundera, but this book wasn't what I had expected.

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